TNT Dog Center
"Guppies” - Swim class for puppies
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This class lays a foundation for confident swimmers! Puppies will learn to swim and build confidence in this fun course designed for dogs under 6 months of age with or without prior swimming experience. Foundations in toy drive building and skills in preparation for dock diving also covered.
“Tadpoles” - Swim class for dogs OVER 6 months of age.
Email for info
Dogs may/may not have experience swimming prior to class. This class lays the foundation for confident swimming and jumping dogs — dogs swim, go off of the ramp or side of the pool for toy retrieval.
“Leapers” -
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For dogs jumping CONFIDENTLY off the ramp and returning to the ramp, off of the side of the pool and back to the ramp. This class builds skills for owners and dogs competing or preparing to compete at the sport of Dock Diving.
“Flyers” - For dogs who jump CONFIDENTLY off the dock, may already participate in dock diving competitions and now want to pursue Air Retrieve (dogs jump off the dock for a bumper hanging on a rig out or over the pool).
**All of our classes are FOUR weeks in length, cost is $100. Owners DO NOT get in the pool, instructors may or may not be in the pool during class. Forced air dryers are available, crates are available. You will get wet regardless - so dress accordingly, bring towels for your dogs.
Group sizes will be limited to ensure plenty of individual attention. All dogs are welcome but if your dog has special needs, please let us know in advance. Life jackets of all sizes are available if needed
Please bring your own toys that float and that your dog loves!
To sign up for classes, contact us at or call 989-569-JUMP
*All individuals interested in using the pool at TNT may be required to schedule an assessment of your dog’s skills (swimming, diving etc) PRIOR TO pool rental - owners are NOT allowed in the pool at TNT. It is important that your dog knows how to swim and how to use our pool properly BEFORE you rent or schedule private or open swim time. Assessments are scheduled by appointment $30.00.
TNT is not accepting new clients in the pool at this time
Thanks for all your interest and support - see ya on the dock!
Please use this email address for any questions, bookings or other information about the pool and dock:
Join our Facebook group, TNT Pool for current news.
Private Lessons - Dock Diving Lessons
1/2 Hour $40
1 Hour $70
Private Lessons - Assisted Swims, swimming lessons.
1/2 Hour $40
Private Pool Rental - For swimming or dock diving. Your dog MUST know how to swim and use our pool and ramp safely or you will be asked to leave without a refund of your fees. Up to 2 handlers, then price increases by $10/handler/per hour.
1/2 Hour $30
1 Hour $50
We are NOT in the pool or assisting during private rental. The Air Retrieve Rig may NOT be used during private rental as staff are required to assist with the use of our air retrieve rig.
Open Air Retrieve- For dogs CONFIDENTLY jumping off the dock and participating in Air Retrieve (NO instruction is available). Each dog has 3 jumps or 5 minutes before the next dog goes. Open Air Retrieve is scheduled based on participation with dogs getting a minimum of 3 opportunities on the dock. $15 per dog.
Pool Party Rental - TNT has a large heated pool, dock, open space, picnic tables and a complete kitchen available for your next party or club gathering. Inquire for pricing.
We have life jackets of all sorts available for use when you visit as well as awesome force dryers to warm and dry your pup when play time is over. Please bring your own toys and towels and wear sensible, non slip shoes as our indoor flooring does not favor flip flops, crocs or bare feet.